Options Menu


Sound: By clicking on this option or pressing Ctrl-U, the sounds of the game are turned off or on. This includes the players� voices, the cards being played, and other tones and tunes. When a check appears next to this option, the sound option is on. When it is unchecked, the option is off.

Animation - Normal: By clicking on this option or pressing Ctrl-A, the animation of the cards is turned on. This includes the dealing of the cards, drawing cards, and playing cards. When a check appears next to this option, the option is on. When it is unchecked, the option is off.

Animation - FAST: By clicking on this option or pressing Ctrl-F, the animation of the cards is turned on at a speed that is about twice as fast as the Animation - Normal option. This includes the dealing of the cards, drawing cards, and playing cards. When a check appears next to this option, the option is on. When it is unchecked, the option is off.

No Animation: By clicking on this option, the animation of the cards is turned off. This includes the dealing of the cards, drawing cards, and playing cards. When a check appears next to this option, the animation is off.

Sort Hand: By clicking on this option or pressing Ctrl-H, the human player�s cards are sorted so that each color�s cards are together. This option is only available during the human player�s turn.

Interrupt Computer: By clicking on this option or pressing Ctrl-X, the computer player�s turn is interrupted. The user then has the option of exiting the game or continuing.

Draw Card: By clicking on this option or pressing Ctrl-D, a card will be drawn for the human player. This option is only available during the human player�s turn.